This article may be challenging for many. There are different perspectives based on poor translations and tradition. But this information is important. The best time to get the most out of this article is to be “in YahwehShua”. This means you have been baptized in the resurrected name of our Saviour and King. This is the name of life. His human name, Yahshua, was defiled by our sin attached to his blood. That is now the name of death. It is worthless for baptism. Once baptized in YahwehShua, you will receive the down payment of His Spirit and your understanding will gradually improve. This was my experience.


The Messiah died at 3 pm on the day portion of the 14th of Abib. This was before sundown when the 15th became the High Sabbath of the first Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. According to the Babylonian Talmud (Book 3, tract pesachim), the Jewish tradition was to burn all leaven by the 11th hour (between 11 am and noon). The Scriptures are quite clear that we eat unleavened bread only for seven days. (Leviticus 23: 4- 7; Numbers 28: 16- 17). The Jews were very exact in avoiding defilement.


One of Messiah’s disciples, Joseph of Arimathea, wishing to avoid defiling the first High Day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread obtained permission to bury Yahshua before sundown. Messiah’s bones and flesh went into the tomb, while His blood was poured into the ground when he was speared by a Roman soldier. He would be in that tomb from just before sunset on the 14th for a full three nights and 3 days, or 72 hours, according to the sign of Jonah. He was resurrected 3 days later just before the end of Sabbath.


The Jews’ Passover began the night after His death. He died when the priests and Levites were

killing the lambs for the Passover sacrifice. The night before, when He ate His last meal with His disciples, was NOT the time for the Passover meal, nor was leaven removed. The leaven, by tradition, was burned the morning of the 14th. On the night of His meal with His disciples, He was not constrained to use only unleavened bread. The Greek says artosonly, leavened bread.

He gave His disciples leavened bread because this was the bread of the firstfruits. (Leviticus 23: 17). This was the same bread offered on Pentecost. Messiah was the firstfruit (1 Corinthians 15: 20- 23). Those in YahwehShua become firstfruits through His indwelling Spirit. (James 1: 18) 


Why is this important to understand correctly? Because on the night when He washed the disciples’ feet, gave themartos and unfermented fruit of the vine (grape juice), He gave them (and us) a commandment:   “And he took bread, and gave thanks, and brake it, and gave unto them, saying, This is my body which is given for you: THIS DO IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME.” (my emphasis) (Luke 22: 19)


This commandment was so important that Paul, who was not present for that meal, was instructed by Messiah YahwehShua about this commandment. Paul quoted Messiah’s commandment not just once, but twice in first Corinthians 11: 24- 25. 


In addition to that commandment from Messiah, Paul tells us we are to “keep the feast”.

This can be read in first Corinthians 5: 8. He is referring to the seven days of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Those in YahwehShua must obey Messiah’s commandment to remember Him on the night of Abib 14, but also keep the next seven days of Unleavened Bread. Being faithful in observing these days properly is part of overcoming. John quotes Messiah several times in Revelation chapters 2 and 3 concerning the importance of overcoming.


Overcoming is important. If the indwelling Spirit of Messiah has matured at the time of your death, you will be in the better resurrection when Messiah returns. (Hebrews 12: 35)  You must first be baptized in the name of YahwehShua to receive the down payment of His Spirit. Without His Spirit, you are none of His. (Romans 8:9)


I wish to recommend some tools for your study. I prefer the King James Bible because there is a Strong’s Concordance keyed to every word in that version. No translation is accurate. That is why you must look at the Hebrew or Greek words being translated. For example, in the KJV, Yahweh’s name is translated as LORD. Totally wrong. There are many other significant examples. We must study to be approved. (2 Timothy 2: 15)


Another suggestion is a copy of Bullinger’s Companion Bible. However, you must refer to it carefully because it too has its errors.


For this article, my most urgent suggestion is a copy of THE MESSIANIC FEAST, written by

T. Alex Tennent. He does a superb job proving that the night of the 14th was not the Jews’ Passover meal nor was it during the Days of Unleavened Bread. You must read it carefully. He 

does not use Yahweh or Yahshua. He believes Messiah died on the Thursday with a resurrection

on Sunday. Messiah died according to our calendar on April 25, 31 CE. That date requires His death to be on a Wednesday, the mid part of the week. This is consistent with Daniel’s prophecy in Daniel 9: 27 which says “in the midst of the week”.


To get the most out this article, you must obtain a copy of The Messianic Feast. It is available on Amazon. Mr. Tennent also refers to Daniel Wallace’s, Greek Grammar Beyond the Basics and

the Westcott and Hort’s, Kingdom Interlinear translation.  Mr. Tennent shows how poor translations of Matthew 26: 17 and Mark 14: 12 have created confusion and misunderstanding.

See page 407 in The Messianic Feast for his explanation.


The translators of the Greek did not know Greek as well as they did the Hebrew. The Hebrew does not use the definite article, while the Greek relies on it. Mr. Tennent really explains this well. He has a chapter titled, 50 Reasons the Last Supper was Not the Passover. This is an important book to study!


Now, onto your study.  Read the articles on our website. Pray to YAHWEH for His truth. He may be calling you! See John 6: 44. 


Consider Matthew 7: 7 as you study:

“Ask and it shall be given you;

  Seek, and ye shall find;

  Knock, and it shall be opened unto you.”


Should you have questions or comments please email our Elder at


May Yahweh guide you.