FEAST OF SHOUTING (aka Trumpets)

The Feast of Shouting at the Seventh Trumpet is a very important time for the Saints. This is when 144,000 Saints will be resurrected or allowed to be transformed into a spiritual body and meet our Creator in the sky and be with him forever more.  Be sure to read all the articles by Bob Bondurant on this website regarding the fall feasts and the Feast of Shouting.


For three-and-a-half years prior to the Seventh Trumpet (when our Creator returns), there will be two physical witnesses testifying against all the earth for 1260 days in Jerusalem (this is 42 months of 30-day months where the moon is not seen for three and a half years).  These 2 witnesses will be testifying during the Seven Seals when the Four Horsemen kill over one-fourth of the population on the planet (Revelation Chapter 6).  They also will be testifying during the Seven Trumpets that make up the Seventh Seal (Revelation, chapters 8, 9 and 10).  During Trumpets, another third of the people on the planet are destroyed (Revelation 8:8).  Revelation 17:15 shows the false assembly (harlot) is sitting on waters and the waters are people that speak different languages.  In addition, during their three-and-a-half years of prophecy, there is likely to be a three-and-a-half-year period of worldwide drought (Revelation 11:6).  After three-and-a-half years, the false Messiah, which is a human, shall kill them. The two witnesses’ dead bodies shall lay in the street for three-and-a-half days, and then the spirit of life (pneuma) from our Father enters into their bodies and are instantly transformed into spiritual bodies, and then go up to meet the Messiah in a cloud and this is the Seventh Trump.


 I suspect that they are the first two out of the 144,000 which will be placed into spiritual bodies at that point in time and sent up to meet Yahweh Shua, our Creator Messiah (Revelation Chapter 11).  In addition, Revelation 11:13 indicates that there is a great earthquake and a tenth part of the city of Jerusalem falls.   7000 men are slain suggesting at that point in time Jerusalem will only have a population of 70,000 people which is much smaller than it is today. This is likely due to the mass deaths caused by the Four Seals, one-fourth of the planet, and the mass deaths caused by the Seven Trumpets, which is another third of the planet. 

I suspect the two physical witnesses will actually be Elias and Moses, because they are visualized at the transfiguration, and Moses as well as Elias are the only two physical persons besides our Creator who were able to fast for 40 days and 40 nights without food and water. Our Creator extended Lazarus’ physical life after being dead four days.  He can extend the physical life for Moses and Elias after 4000 years or four days.  See the article on this website on Life and Death.


Revelation, chapter 17, shows that the great prostitute (harlot) that sits upon many waters is symbolic for the false assemblies or false ekklesia of Satan which rule over waters which are described in chapter 17 as the multitude of nations that speak many different languages.  She is also sitting upon a scarlet-colored beast and the beast is also symbolic of people, described in Revelation 13.


Revelation chapter 13:1 shows that the first beast, meaning people, rise up out of the sea (letting the bible interpret itself, based on Revelation 17).  These people control Satan’s kingdom consisting of the world’s economic systems, educational systems, governmental systems, and the various false religions (false assemblies).  Thus, people are making an image (or false idol, false deity) out of sports heroes, economic systems, education systems, false assemblies, false churches, money, beauty, etc. thus putting their trust in everything other than our Creator.


The second beast in Revelation 13:11 has two horns like a lamb and speaks like a dragon and exercises all the power of the first beast before him and causes the earth and all those that dwell therein to worship the first beast.  The second beast is a human anti-Messiah with power similar to our Creator and who speaks like the dragon.  He will do great wonders so that he makes fire come down from heaven in the sight of men, Revelation 13:13. He has power to give life to the image (false idol, false gods) of the beast i.e., people controlling the various institutions in the world.  This first beast is creation or people.  Image is the false idol, false deity, money such as world economic system, governments with armies, world government systems, school, and world educational systems.  Unlike Elias, no one will be hurt when this fire comes down.  Also, you have to turn on the TV to see this or be there to witness unlike when our Creator actually comes when every eye will see him simultaneously.  This is confirmed in chapters 24 in Matthew, chapter 13 in Mark, and chapter 21 in Luke.


The mark of the beast is no chip; it is the absence of the mark of our Creator. Thus, the mark of the beast are in people who do not realize that the seventh-day Sabbath is a holy day wherein one puts aside their regular occupation and seeks a closer relationship with our Creator.  People that have the mark of the beast are people that lack the symbolic mark of our Creator. They work any day they want and do not set aside the feast days such as the seventh-day Sabbath and the annual Sabbaths.  Remember the scriptures about manna. Our Creator taught the Israelites to take one day off on the seventh day (Saturday) and would bless them with twice as much manna on the sixth day. Six days a week you work to get manna! On the seventh day you receive the true manna (our Creator) when you assemble with your spiritual family for a holy convocation.


Thus, we see the adversary (Satan) who controls the second beast will control the first beast (people) that controls world government economies, educational systems, and ecclesiastical systems. People will seek after the beast (beast = creature = creation) and place all their faith in governments, armies, money, looks, riches, and other people, etc., thus worshiping the creation rather the Creator.


First Thessalonians 4:16 and first Corinthians 15:53 both confirm that our Creator is returning at the Seventh Trumpet with the shout from the archangel of Yahweh.  2Timothy 3:1 confirms that prior to the Seventh Trump will be a perilous time for any human being.


In Luke, chapter 21:36, our Creator tells us to pray always that we may be accounted worthy to escape all things that are coming at the end of the age and to be able to stand before him and be a part of the 144,000.


When we as believers keep the Feast of Shouting, it is a day of celebration as we look forward to our union with the Messiah.


Rest assured that every detail has been planned and thought out by the Father Yahweh and our Creator Yahweh Shua. Nothing has been left to chance and they have a perfect plan for every bit of their creation.  If this article interests you, please consider reading the other articles on this website, oldest to newest, and then consider taking the first step. Baptism in the singular name of the Father & Son YahwehShua!