What does our Creator mean in Matthew 22 when He says, “I am the Yahweh of the living”, when clearly Abraham, Issac and Jacob had been dead for many years?  In addition, how does He speak of physical death as “sleeping” such as with the case of Lazarus (John 11:11) and many others?  What does He say in Hebrews 9:27 “it is appointed for man to die once and then the judgment,” so did Lazarus die twice?


Physical man is formed from the “dust of the ground” and the breath of life (Genesis 2:7).  The dust is symbolic of Adam’s body made up of protons, neutrons, and electrons which make up atoms. Atoms in turn make up molecules; molecules lining up and making cell membranes; cells lining up to making flesh.  James confirms in 2:26 that the physical body without the spirit is dead.  The Greek word for spirit is πνεύμα, (pneuma), which is the breath of life that comes from the Father, and which is being worked within this physical life by the Son at the direction of the Father. Ecclesiastes 12:7 confirms that when we die that dust returns to the earth and the spirit, i.e., your mind, or the breath of life, shall return to the Father who gave it.  Paul confirms in 1 Corinthians 15:44 that there is a natural or physical body and there is a heavenly or supernatural spiritual body.  In addition, in 1 Corinthians 15:40, he confirms there is an earthly body, i.e., a terrestrial body and a celestial or heavenly body.


Thus, our Creator says in John 11:11, that Lazarus “sleeps” (which is comforting to know) which means that his body was physically dead; however, his spirit, the breath of life (his mind), was asleep and back with the Father with no thoughts, dreams, praise or knowledge.  That explains why in Matthew 22:32, he says He is the Yahweh of the living.  Abraham, Issac and Jacob, though they are physically dead, their spirit, their mind, their breath of life is alive, but asleep with the Father.  Thus, our spirit, our mind is only awake if we are either in a physical body or if He places us into a spiritual body at the Seventh Trumpet (1 Cor 15:52, 1 Thes 4:16, Rev 11:11-15) if we are fortunate enough to be one of the 144,000 saints. Or if not, we will be in the innumerable multitude in the last great day, or if we never overcome we will be outside the kingdom in the new heavens and earth (Rev22-15).  So, James in 2:26 says that the body without the spirit is dead which means a physical body without the spirit from the Father (the breath of life) is death.  Also, a spiritual body without the spirit will likewise be dead.


If you are unfortunate enough to be in a fleshly body and hit the lake of fire, your body will be destroyed instantly, but your spirit, the breath of life, will be asleep and return to the Father.  Likewise, if you are one of the fallen angels that have failed to repent and are thrown into the lake of fire, the spiritual body will be destroyed, but the mind, the spirit, will go back to the Father asleep, but alive.


Then why does it say in Hebrew 9:27 that it is important for all men to die “once” and then the judgment.  Did Lazarus die twice?  What our Creator is saying here is that until he is done with you in this physical body, you are not dead, whether you have been dead four days like Lazarus or 4000 years.  When you read Ezekiel 37, it is obvious a lot of people (probably everyone that is not a saint) will have a chance to learn for 1,000 years and have a second chance to overcome when the adversary is let out (after the 1,000-year millennium) for a little season, i.e., 100 years at the start of the last great day (Isaiah 65:20).   Lazarus clearly died twice physically, and he still may have his physical life extended a third time in the millennium, according to the Father’s will.  When our Creator is done with us in this physical body, then you are truly dead physically. Thus, the physical body is the time that He is shaping and working with your heart (mind).  He wants you to overcome the adversary in this physical body because that is what allows the growth of the spirit of Messiah in you (Galatians 4:19).


In Ecclesiastes 7:1 He says that the day of your death is better than the day of your physical birth, because it means our Master, our Creator, is finally done with us in shaping our mind.  Thus, when He says it is “appointed for man to die once then the judgment”, he decides (“appoints once”) when he is finally done with your physical life. Revelation 20:5 states that the rest of the dead lived not again until the 1000-year millennium is finished, but this could be saying that our Creator is not handing out any more spiritual bodies for 1,000 years (144,000 saints received spiritual bodies at the 7th trump, (see previous verse, Rev 20:4). A second chance sounds great, but many say Ezekiel 37 only applies to physical Israel, i.e., the Israelites that didn’t make the 1st resurrection. However, if our Creator can graft spiritual gentiles into the spiritual tribes of the 144,000 saints, (Rev 7:1-8, Romans 11:1-36) then He certainly can graft physical gentiles into physical Israelites. Remember, Mat 3:9, which says out of these stones our Messiah can raise up children of Abraham.  


At the transfiguration, Peter saw the glorified vision of the Messiah as well as Moses and Elijah.  We know these are visions as YahwehShua Messiah is the only one who has died physically and then resurrected into a spiritual body thus far.  However, from what we have learned about this physical life, if our Creator decides to extend Moses’ physical life and Elijah’s physical life so that they can become the two witnesses during the last three and half years just prior to the Seventh Trumpet, it certainly is a possibility.   He could certainly achieve it, because no one is physically dead until he appoints it!


Thus, every created being, including all the angels and even the angels that have fallen, as well as every single human that has lived and every aborted fetus will live again on his timetable, thus, no one will be lost permanently.


If this interests you, consider praying to the Father Yahweh in the name of His resurrected Son, the Resurrected Messiah YahwehShua for truth.  Read all the articles on this website and consider taking the first step.  We then will welcome you into the family.

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