Psalm 138:2  “I will worship toward thy holy temple and praise thy name for thy loving kindness and for thy truth:  for thou has magnified thy word above all thy name.” (KJV)  Is King David saying the word is elevated above the name?  


David knew the difference between the Father and the Son, and understood the relationship of Father and Son to himself.  Psalm 110:1  “The Lord said to my Lord set up my right hand until I make thy enemies thy footstool.” We know the name Yahweh was erroneously removed by the scribes, and replaced by a title, Lord (see the article, The Name YahwehShua, published Jan. 25, 2015 on our website).  Yahweh, the Father, said to Yahweh, the Son “sit at my right hand until I make thine enemies a footstool.”  Matthew 22:41-46:  “While the Pharisees were gathered together Yahshua Messiah asked them saying what think you of the Messiah:  Whose son is he?  They said unto him the son of David.  He says unto them how then does David in spirit call him Master saying Yahweh said to my Master sit down at my right hand till I make thine enemies thy footstool?  If David then called him Master how is he his son?  And no man was able to answer him a word neither durst any man from that day forth ask him any more questions.”  


The Messiah was the spiritual master of David and indeed the Master and Creator of the seen and unseen universe, the Alpha and Omega carrying out the plan at the direction of the Father.  However, he was also a physical descendant of David.  Matthew 1:1-16 shows the genealogy of Joseph.  Note in verse six showing that King David begat Solomon, and in verse 16, Jacob begat Joseph, the husband of Mary.  Luke 3:23-38 shows the genealogy of Mary. Note in verse 23, “Yahshua himself began to be about 30 years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son[in law] of Heli (remember Joseph was the son of Jacob.)  Note verse 31, Nathan was the son of King David.  Thus, Mary was a descendant of King David, through his son, Nathan, whereas Joseph was also a descendant of King David through his son, Solomon.  Thus, the Messiah’s mother, Mary, and her husband, Joseph, were both physical descendants of King David.


The Messiah, Yahshua, who was without sin, confirmed his submission to the Father in Mark 10:8 and Matthew 19:17:  “Why call me good there is only one good the Father.”  He also said he is the only one to ever see the Father, John 6:46.  The Father is the light that no one can approach (1 Tim. 6:16), except the Son, and in whom there is no darkness.  (1John 1:5)  The Messiah has been the agent of the Father’s plan throughout all time, first creating the seen and unseen world throughout the old “testament” (covenant is more accurate) as confirmed by Paul in 1Cor. 10:4:  “For they drank of that spiritual Rock and that rock was Messiah.”  He continued the plan when he took on all the sins of the world and became a curse which defiled his human name, confirmed by Paul in Galatians 3:13.  He was resurrected in the name of YahwehShua (see article, The Name of Faith, Jan. 25, 2015.)  The scriptures confirm the name Yahweh is above all blessing and praise (Neh 9:5), magnified for ever (1 Chr. 17:24), set apart, i.e., holy, (Ps 99:3), on the high priest’s forehead (Ex 28:38), and excellent (Ps 8:1 & 9).  The Father has exalted (resurrected) the Son and given him a name above every name, (Phil 2:9-11) and Paul confirms that he (Messiah) has by inheritance (Heb 1:4) obtained a more excellent name.  Yahweh’s name ALONE is excellent (Ps 148:13).  YahwehShua Messiah continues the plan of the Father and inspired Peter (Acts 4:12) to confirm that there is no salvation under any other name given to man (including the incarnate Messiah’s human name of Yahshua.)


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